Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Pidato Bahasa Inggris


Assalamu’alikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable my teacher,the honorable the my seniors and my beloved friends. We must give thank to our god, because of god’s blessing we can stand here until today. Here I will present a simple speech about smoking.

It is very nice following the polemic in many magazines about smoking, after I have investigated for so long time, I think smoking is very negative for all people. Hereby  I would like to tell you reasonable argumentation about that.

The first is from health side, accordance with our investigation during this time, the negative effect of smoking 40 % is back to the smokers themselves and 60 % is to the people who are around the smokers, so the smokers make trouble not only for them but also to the other people. a health is the most important thing in our life. I still remember what the wise man has said: “looking for money is easier than buying a health”.
Happy audiences, ladies and gentlemen
The smokers will be sickly or easily to get disease because their body is weak. Usually the smokers will get hard disease like suffer in the lung, cancer, impotent and so on. There are many persons who are dead caused by that disease.
The second is from religion aspect, accordance with our religion (Islam) smoking is makruh disliked by Allah, so all of cigarette companies included operational workers, sellers, distributors, and tobacco farmers are disliked by Allah because they have connection in something makruh. my Islamic teacher ever said in my class: “tobacco is the urine of the satan” so even someone gets many profits from cigarette but it is not barokah because their profit is the urine of satan.
Ladies and gentlemen
The third is attitude, for someone who is addicted in smoking is very difficult to leave it.

I do expect that my speech result in new thoughts in your mine as well as brighten up you point of view about smoking. thank you for your attention.

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